
標題: Royal Asscher 受傷退出 Sangster Stakes
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發表於 29/3/2008 08:39 AM  資料 文集 短消息 
Royal Asscher 受傷退出 Sangster Stakes

Adelaide stewards will hold an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the scratching of the Lee Freedman-trained filly Royal Asscher from tomorrow's Group One Robert Sangster Stakes at Morphettville.

Royal Asscher was notofied as a scratching today due to a bruised heel.

However the stewards intend to interview Freedman at Morphettvile tomorrow in regard to the veterinary history of the injury to Royal Asscher, the provision of a veterinary certificate, the timing of the decision not to start the filly and the timing of the scratching.

Freedman will start his top class mare Miss Andretti in the Sangster Stakes.

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