原帖由 長毛 於 1/2/2012 03:12 PM 發表
Dont ask what the country can do for you
ask what you can do for the country ..
改善貧富懸殊問題 - they have already
if not making people to work, how do you get more money?
Dont ask what the country can do for you
ask what you can do for the country ..
跟本政府同人民係相輔相成, 唔係話單方面付出:ppp:
依家反而好多人做野只係幫D大商家大集團賺更多錢, 佢地只係拎返MIN PAY:iiiii:
仲要高工時, 無經驗都要十項全能:loveliness:,
老細唔係想搵合適既員工, 而係最好既員工 :abcde: