1. The Committee agreed to a request from currently licensed Club Jockey Tim Clark that he be released from his agreement to ride with the Club with effect from Monday, 29 April 2013 due to personal reasons.
2. The Committee agreed to grant, subject to the usual formalities, a Club Jockey's Licence to Tommy Berry for the period from 28 April 2013 until the conclusion of the current 2012/2013 racing season, inclusive.
Jockey Berry’s profile is attached.
3. The Committee agreed to:-
3.1 grant currently licensed Assistant Trainers Chris So Wai Yin and Benno Yung Tin Pang a Trainer’s Licence for the 2013/2014 racing season, subject to the usual formalities.
3.2 approve the Trainers’ Licences of Chris So Wai Yin and Benno Yung Tin Pang for the 2013/2014 racing season to become effective on 11 July 2013 so that they will be eligible to receive horses into their respective stables when end of season transfers take place.