keywinner 於 2/8/2012 06:01 AM 發表
再睇番今屆奧運會賽事, 好多亞洲國家都受晒苦及不公平對待
一黎就北韓國旗事件, 擺明想激嬲人
再黎韓國隊果個又重演until we score事件
中國隊人 ...
are you jumping to the conclusion too fast?
中國羽毛球女雙 - if you have watched that match, I don't think you will have any complaint...even after they are DQed, the winner will probably still be another pair from China or Asia...can't see any benefit that the so-called Westerns can gain from it...
Likewise, for the table-tennis women single final...it is China vs China...
北韓國旗事件 - that is clearly a mistake, the most you can say is their ignorance...
the 韓國 fencing team instance is definiely bad judging...but does it matter if 主辦國係英國, the judges are coming from all over the world, Europe, Africa, Asia, America...
for 葉詩文's case, her time and the way she won that 400m IM are too unreal, when someone does something that it so out of ordinary, people will always be skeptical, it does not matter if he/she is a Chinese, Asian, Westerners or otherwise, for example, in the case of Lance Armstrong, people have been questioning about his "cleaness" since his first win of the Tour de France...until now, he has passed all the drug tests, does it mean that he is clean, may be yes, may be no, but the only truth that is he has not yet been proven that he is a fraud, but does it stop some people from being skeptical, certainly not...hence, it has nothing to do with whether he/she is a Chinese, Asian or Westerners...
本帖最後由 uidiot 於 2/8/2012 01:33 PM 編輯 ]