
標題: Sir Gerry 下場目標會係跑格陵蘭錦標
Rank: 6Rank: 6

「馬場大亨 - 團體賽(勝利數組別)三甲」  
UID 2851
精華 0
積分 113
帖子 67064
港元 11777 萬
存款 0 萬
聲望 3977
閱讀權限 20
註冊 12/5/2006
發表於 14/5/2008 07:15 AM  資料 短消息 
Sir Gerry 下場目標會係跑格陵蘭錦標

Sir Gerry is likely to have his next start in the Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands Stakes at the Curragh on May 24.

The James Fanshawe-trained speedster bounced back from a disappointing reappearance run in the Greenham at Newbury with a scintillating display in an Ascot Listed race.

The Gimcrack winner was set to take his chance against his elders in this week's Duke of York Stakes but suffered a slight injury at Ascot.

The Greenlands will instead work as a perfect prep for the Golden Jubilee Stakes at Royal Ascot, according to his owner Gerry Galligan.

"He was due to run at York but he got a little cut on his leg during his race at Ascot and missed a bit of work," said Galligan.

"James has him back in flying form now, he looks magnificent.

"We have to supplement him into the Greenlands but it will be a good prep for his big mid-season target, the Golden Jubilee."
Rank: 6Rank: 6

「馬場大亨 - 團體賽(勝利數組別)三甲」  
UID 2851
精華 0
積分 113
帖子 67064
港元 11777 萬
存款 0 萬
聲望 3977
閱讀權限 20
註冊 12/5/2006
發表於 14/5/2008 07:18 AM  資料 短消息 
終於隻 Sir Gerry 同其他歲數的馬同場跑...一大挑戰

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