
標題: Doctor Fremantle,Above Average 被 Lee Freedman 收購,下季轉戰澳洲
Rank: 6Rank: 6

「馬場大亨 - 團體賽(勝利數組別)三甲」  
UID 2851
精華 0
積分 113
帖子 66830
港元 11844 萬
存款 0 萬
聲望 3977
閱讀權限 20
註冊 12/5/2006
發表於 17/11/2009 05:38 PM  資料 短消息 
Doctor Fremantle,Above Average 被 Lee Freedman 收購,下季轉戰澳洲

High class Sadler’s Wells four year-old Doctor Fremantle - winner of this year's Group Two Royal Ascot Princess of Wales Stakes , Group Three Chester Huxley Stakes and Group Three Newbury Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial - has been bought by a group of Australian's to race for Lee Freedman next year.

Badgers Bloodstock's Grant and Tom Pritchard-Gordon who brokered the deal confirmed that the horse will be aimed at the 2010 Melbourne Carnival.

"We purchased six horses last year to send down to the Freedmans and they have already won seven races between them and are headed by Group 2 second Sound of Nature, whom we purchased for 24,000gns at last year's Horses in Training Sale,” said Tom Pritchard-Gordon.

“This year we specifically went out to look for a better quality animal and are delighted to have secured a horse of the quality of Doctor Freemantle."

Also heading down under is three year-old colt Above Average, by the sire of the moment High Chaparral from a daughter of Danehill and winner of this year's Group Three Sandown Derby Trial.

In a deal once more brokered by Badgers Bloodstock on behalf of the Ball and Chain Syndicate, Above Average will go into training with Lee Freedman, who said, "Our investors and I could not be more delighted with the purchases made on our behalf.

“We gave Grant and Tom a criteria and their respective knowledge and hard work have secured what we consider the best of what could be bought.

“Without Badger’s Bloodstock the Ball & Chain Syndicate would not be heading into 2010 with a serious hand of proper staying stock to pitch towards towards next years lucrative two Cups and Plate."

The latest acquisitions will be joined by Fanjura  and Ajhar who were purchased at the recent Tattersalls Horses in Training Sale for 210,000gn and 65,000gns respectively.
Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

UID 2148
精華 3
積分 2153
帖子 37270
港元 129 萬
存款 10 萬
聲望 25
閱讀權限 100
註冊 31/12/2005
發表於 17/11/2009 05:39 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
Rank: 6Rank: 6

「馬場大亨 - 團體賽(勝利數組別)三甲」  
UID 2851
精華 0
積分 113
帖子 66830
港元 11844 萬
存款 0 萬
聲望 3977
閱讀權限 20
註冊 12/5/2006
發表於 17/11/2009 05:44 PM  資料 短消息 

原帖由 S.WEEK 於 17/11/2009 05:39 PM 發表

Sound Of Nature 表現好..:yyy:

之前都有提及過的 Alandi,Mourayan..現時加埋這兩隻..2010應該好好睇

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