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標題: 沙紙研訊結果:沙紙頭馬資格被褫奪 [打印本頁]

作者: 駿先鋒    時間: 13/5/2011 06:25 PM     標題: 沙紙研訊結果:沙紙頭馬資格被褫奪



The Stewards last night concluded their inquiry into the analyst’s  findings in respect of the post-race blood and urine samples taken from SHAHJEE  following that horse winning the William’s Coach Handicap at Sha Tin Racecourse  on Sunday, 20 March 2011.
Evidence was last night taken from Mr P F Yiu, the trainer of SHAHJEE  and who represented the interests of Mr Syed Pervez Hussain, the owner of  SHAHJEE, Dr B D Stewart, Head of Veterinary Regulation & International  Liaison and Dr T S M Wan, Head of Racing Laboratory.  Evidence was also taken from a Stables  Assistant allocated to Mr Yiu’s stable and who attended to SHAHJEE at the  relevant time.  The Stewards do not  believe it is appropriate to name the Stables Assistant at this  time.
Dr Wan had previously notified that the post-race blood sample taken  from SHAHJEE subsequent to the stated race had shown the presence of ketamine  and norketamine and that the post-race urine sample taken from the horse had  shown the presence of dehydronorketamine and norketamine, both being metabolites  of ketamine.  Dr Wan advised the inquiry  that a detailed re-analysis of the pre-race urine sample obtained from SHAHJEE  had shown evidence of the presence of minute and insignificant traces of  ketamine and its metabolites, but the evidence  did not exceed the established screening limits for such substances and did not  warrant the use of a special method to confirm and report their presence  officially.
Dr Stewart provided evidence to the inquiry that ketamine and its  metabolites are capable of acting on the nervous system of a horse and as such  are prohibited substances according to the Rules of Racing of The Hong Kong  Jockey Club.
Mr Yiu accepted that ketamine and its metabolites are prohibited  substances in accordance with the Rules of Racing and that the blood and urine  samples taken from SHAHJEE after the stated race showed the presence of ketamine  and norketamine and dehydronorketamine and norketamine respectively and that all  proper procedures and protocols were adopted in respect of the taking of these  samples.
Rule of Racing 138 (1) and (2) provide that a horse shall be free of  any prohibited substance on the day on which it has been declared to race (i.e.  race day), until such time as the Stewards release such horse after it has raced  and that in the event of a sample taken from any horse during this period being  reported as positive to a prohibited substance such horse shall, in the case of  a post-race sample, be disqualified for such race.  Accordingly, SHAHJEE was disqualified from  the William’s Coach Handicap and the placings amended to No. 7 ADORATION,  1st; No. 11 BET ON ME, 2nd; No. 1 SOVEREIGN FALCON,  3rd; No. 8 PERFECT JOY, 4th; and No. 10 NOBLE DE BEST,  5th.  Mr Yiu was advised of  the owner’s right of appeal against the decision to disqualify SHAHJEE from this  race.
Dr Wan provided evidence to the inquiry that two urine samples  provided on 1 April 2011 by the Stables Assistant allocated to Mr Yiu’s stable  and who attended to SHAHJEE at the relevant time were found to contain very high  concentrations of ketamine and its metabolites, and that all items swabbed at  the residence of the Stables Assistant under consent had also shown significant  traces of ketamine.  Further, swabs of a  number of items which the Stables Assistant had contact with within Mr Yiu’s  stable as well as the immediate stable environments of SHAHJEE and another horse  attended to by the relevant Stables Assistant had also shown traces of  ketamine.  Dr Wan further advised that  blood and urine samples taken on 1 April 2011 from SHAHJEE and the other horse  trained by Mr Yiu which was attended to by the relevant Stables Assistant had  all shown, upon detailed analysis, evidence for the presence of minute and  insignificant traces of ketamine and its metabolites.
Having considered all of the evidence before them, the Stewards  formed the view that the finding of ketamine and its metabolites in the  post-race blood and urine samples taken from SHAHJEE on 20 March 2011 was most  probably as a result of contamination caused by the Stables Assistant who  attended to the horse on that day.
Having formed this opinion, the Stables Assistant, who is an employee  of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, was informed that the Stewards would forward a  report to the Club’s Management on his involvement in this matter for their  consideration and necessary action in respect of his continued employment by the  Club.  The Stables Assistant was further  notified that the Stewards would forward a recommendation to the Club’s Board of  Stewards that he be warned-off racecourses controlled by the  Club.
Rule of Racing 140 (2) provides that in the event of a sample taken  from a horse during the specified period being found positive to any prohibited  substance, the trainer of such horse bears the onus of proving that he did not  administer or cause to be administered the prohibited substance detected, and  that he had taken all proper precautions to prevent the administration of the  prohibited substance.
Mr Yiu was advised that having formed the view that the finding of  ketamine and its metabolites in the blood and urine samples taken from SHAHJEE  on 20 March 2011 was most probably as a result of contamination caused by the  Stables Assistant who attended to the horse at the relevant time, they were  satisfied that he did not administer ketamine or cause that substance to be  administered to SHAHJEE.  However, it  remained necessary for the Stewards to make a determination as to whether he had  taken all proper precautions to prevent the administration of ketamine to  SHAHJEE.
The Rules of Racing place a heavy onus upon trainers in respect of  their responsibility to present horses under their care and control to race free  of prohibited substances so as to protect the integrity and reputation of  horseracing and the Club together with the interests of the owners of horses  racing in Hong Kong.  Mr Yiu was advised  that given the very unique circumstances of this case, the Stewards were of the  opinion that there had not been any failure, omission or neglect on his part  which had resulted in ketamine and its metabolites being found in the relevant  post-race samples taken from SHAHJEE on 20 March 2011.  Accordingly, the Stewards did not believe  that any charge of having breached the Rules of Racing should be issued against  him in respect of this matter.  However,  he was advised that should he harbour any concerns in respect of the  performance, suitability or demeanour of the stable staff allocated to him in  the future, he should immediately advise the Club’s Management of such  concerns.
Finally, the Stewards, having regard to a vigorous analysis of the  betting on the William’s Coach Handicap conducted at Sha Tin Racecourse on 20  March 2011 and having considered the evidence adduced at the inquiry, were  satisfied that the findings of ketamine and its metabolites in the blood and  urine samples taken from SHAHJEE after the relevant race were not in any way  associated with betting support for the horse when it was successful in this  race.

沙紙頭馬資格被褫奪, 唔罰姚本輝, 但呢單野未完...

[ 本帖最後由 駿先鋒 於 13/5/2011 06:26 PM 編輯 ]
作者: 駿先鋒    時間: 13/5/2011 06:26 PM

Notice of Appeal  - SHAHJEE


The Owner of SHAHJEE  has lodged notice of his intention to appeal against the decision of the Racing  Stewards made on 12 May 2011 regarding  the disqualification of SHAHJEE from the William's Coach Handicap held on  20 March 2011.
By Order of the  Stewards of the Jockey Club

沙紙馬主上訴, 睇怕有排都唔會CLOSE FILE...
作者: 君子    時間: 13/5/2011 06:35 PM

其實馬主駛吾駛嘔番d獎金出黎 ?!
作者: 何良    時間: 13/5/2011 06:42 PM

原帖由 駿先鋒 於 13/5/2011 06:26 PM 發表
Notice of Appeal  - SHAHJEE                                                                                                                     13/05/2011

The Owner of SHAHJEE  has lodged notice of his intention to appeal against the decision of the Racing  Stewards made on  ...

作者: 希比    時間: 13/5/2011 06:43 PM

原帖由 何良 於 13/5/2011 06:42 PM 發表


一季轉兩次倉?:lll: 胡森->姚本輝->???
作者: orochi1650    時間: 13/5/2011 06:56 PM     標題: 回復 #3 君子 的帖子

作者: asiadragon    時間: 13/5/2011 06:56 PM

作者: Galileo    時間: 13/5/2011 06:57 PM

原帖由 君子 於 13/5/2011 06:35 PM 發表
其實馬主駛吾駛嘔番d獎金出黎 ?!

作者: neeDu    時間: 13/5/2011 07:09 PM

作者: 駿先鋒    時間: 13/5/2011 11:05 PM

原帖由 希比 於 13/5/2011 18:43 發表

一季轉兩次倉?:lll: 胡森->姚本輝->???

轉倉應該唔會啦, 連馬會都話今次輝輝冇失當同疏忽...:loveliness:
作者: asiadragon    時間: 15/5/2011 03:09 PM


:yyy: :ppp:
作者: taxi2003    時間: 15/5/2011 03:20 PM

原帖由 asiadragon 於 15/5/2011 03:09 PM 發表 ... _2011051501350.html

:yyy: :ppp:

:yyy: :yyy:
作者: 魚仔餅    時間: 15/5/2011 03:44 PM

作者: asiadragon    時間: 15/5/2011 05:00 PM


:yyy: :yyy:
作者: 駿先鋒    時間: 15/5/2011 07:15 PM

原帖由 asiadragon 於 15/5/2011 17:00 發表 ... _2011051501440.html

:yyy: :yyy:

作者: jintinc    時間: 15/5/2011 08:06 PM

Syed Pervez Hussain大使<--咩大使黎??:ggg: :ggg:
作者: am20462046    時間: 15/5/2011 08:34 PM


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